Thursday, January 2, 2020

Outer Journey

I have pulled out my suitcase from the garage, but I am unsure what exactly to put in it because I am definitely a procrastinator! I know what I am supposed to pack and have my list but won’t be able to actually be packing until Wednesday evening. I just received my poncho, which is blue with white polka dots, and fanny pack in the mail yesterday that I ordered from Amazon because of course I waited until the last minute to order those also *procrastination*. I’m guessing you see a pattern with me already here (giggle). To be honest I am still debating whether to take a fanny pack or a backpack with me. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I haven’t decided which bag that I am going to take on the train with me because I really would like to take a larger blanket but I don’t think that a larger blanket is going to be practical to take on the train because I also have to take my cpap machine with is a clunker. I have done quite a bit of research for this trip, but I didn’t want to do too much so that I could be a bit surprised as I go. I feel that I am prepared for the class and the trip and I will have my things together in time to meet everyone in class on Thursday morning.

Inner Journey

Where has the time gone, it felt like I just signed up for this class yesterday and now we are leaving in three days! I am very excited to go on this trip to New Orleans. I believe that this trip will be interesting, educational and could be a bit challenging. I will start out with the challenging part. I believe that the trip may be challenging because of all of the different personalities of the students that are going to be on the trip together. There is a wide range of ages of students and knowing a few of the students a wide range of personalities that we may find interesting being together for this short amount of time. When researching New Orleans, I have found so many interesting things that I am looking forward to experiencing. The cemeteries, the cuisine, and the culture. I honestly cannot decide what I am most excited about. I am overly excited about the educational and cultural experience that this trip will bring. I took this class because I needed the elective course and I decided to take the travel course because who wouldn’t want to travel to New Orleans!!!!! I am most looking forward to learning all about the history of New Orleans and the religious aspects. This is why I chose to do religion for the travel guide. I am a very religious person and believe in my own higher power and thought it very interesting to learn more about what powers New Orleans culture focuses on and why.

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